From: Ron Lawrence []
Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2011 6:23 PM
To: 'Eugene Clingman'
Subject: RE: Publisher's Assistant


Hi Eugene,


All of your transfer inventory should show up on your Available Inventory Status report.  If it does not, I would go back to the transfer order.  Make sure that your warehouse is specified as the Ship To address.


The following is a snapshot of a sample Available Inventory Status report that shows a title in multiple locations…

Available Inventory Status showing inventory at warehouses.


Before you ask, in this case, there are two different Midpoint locations where books were shipped.  The differences in the addresses don’t show up in the small space allotted in this report.  But clearly, you can see that inventory for title ID 225*3 is listed for three different locations.


Hope that helps,




From: Eugene
Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2011 5:30 PM
To: 'Ron Lawrence'
Subject: RE: Publisher's Assistant


Thanks Ron!


I have worked with PA a bit today and am trying to figure out why 1,000 books I received does not appear on the warehouse report. It appears on the Available Inventory History report, but not on the warehouse. I want to be able to see all our inventory on a single report, whether it is a “Transfer” or actual inventory we have in the home warehouse. I am grateful for your guidance. We are still trying to determine whether PA will work for us. We hope it will. Still trying to figure out how it works under different scenarios. I believe I have watched all the tutorials but some things not included.




From: Ron Lawrence []
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 6:04 AM
To: Eugene
Subject: RE: Publisher's Assistant


Hi Eugene,

Anne copied me on her response to you.  I can tell you that the number of titles you have should not be an issue.  We are working with one distributor who has some 25,000 titles in their PubAssist database.

Also, PubAssist is particularly well suited to deal with both consignment sales and sales through distributors.  There is a specific article for dealing with distributors on our web site:


Hope that helps,

Ron Lawrence

Publishers' Assistant

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Ph: 800-310-8716, Local: 802-899-2276




From: Anne
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 12:33 PM
To: Eugene
Subject: RE: Publisher's Assistant


Greetings from sunny Puerto Vallarta!

I’m on vacation this week, but am checking emails today. We have used Publishers Assistant since 2006 and love it. And they keep upgrading the functionality. We have all of our titles on there as well as additional products we sell. Royalties are calculated at a click of a button. All consignment sales are also managed through PA. I’m sure that Ron from Publishers Assistant would be happy to talk you through some of the functions that you are particularly looking for. I have found that on the few times I have needed assistance, they are very responsive. If you need any other information, please don’t hesitate to contact me.




From: Eugene
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 1:40 PM
To: Anne
Subject: Publisher's Assistant


Dear Anne,


Sarah of CSPA referred me to you. She says you use Publisher’s Assistant. We are considering using it. I hope you may be able to tell me how it works for you. It would help to know how many titles you deal with and how many distributors you send inventory to and whether you have books on consignment and track them through PA.

Thanks for any information you can provide regarding the suitability of PA in real life business,
