Introducing Publishers' Assistant Webinars

Publishers' Assistant has been available since 1990! Many of our users have been with us since that time. Yet, I am amazed at how often even long-time users are not aware of key time-saving features.

How about you? Are you getting the most out of Publishers' Assistant? Now you can get first-hand training at a reasonable price from the comfort of your own office.

We're shooting to host a different webinar topic each week. Webinars will be offered on Fridays at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Check out our offering below:

I finally got paid!  Now what do I do?
I finally got paid! Now what do I do?
Accounting Practices for Large Buyers

So, you got that first check from Baker & Taylor. Or, maybe it's your 21st check. Somehow, their statement doesn't match up to yours. Or, four months after your first sales ...

Next presentation:
Price: $25.00
Where did my inventory go?
Where did my inventory go?
Fundamentals of Inventory Control Beyond Your Accounting System

Publishers' Assistant has a pretty sophisticated inventory system. Yet, you enter an order and PubAssist says you're out of stock. You can see the books on the shelf. Or worse, you sell s ...

Next presentation:
Price: $25.00
I'd love to switch to PubAssist, but how do I transfer my existing data?
I'd love to switch to PubAssist, but how do I transfer my existing data?
Importing Data Using Couplet.

If you have been publishing books for a while, you know you have made a serious investment in your data. Transferring that data is one of the biggest obstacles to reaping the benefits of us ...

Next presentation:
Price: $25.00
EDI and ONIX?  What's that?
EDI and ONIX? What's that?
Electronic Communications with Major Buyers

So what are EDI and ONIX? And why should you care about them? These are standards that facilitate communication with your trading partners. Many large buyers will insist on their use. Th ...

Next presentation:
Price: $25.00
Getting Started with Publishers' Assistant
Getting Started with Publishers' Assistant

Now available as a video download! So you've downloaded the Lyric Edition of Publishers' Assistant. Have you done anything with it? ...Really? The response to ou ...

Next presentation: 2013-06-07
Price: $9.99

Publishers' Assistant Webinars

A path to a happier you.