Dealing with a "Variable REC_NO Not Found" Error

Last edited 2008-03-05 by Ron Lawrence

/!\ This article deals with an old version of Publishers' Assistant. If you see this error with a recent version of the software, please contact support.



With the release of Publishers' Assistant V4.0, the structure of the error log (ERROR.DBF) was changed. The REC_NO field was added. Users of PiiGS V2 and PiiGS for Windows who transferred their database into Publishers' Assistant may have wiped out the newly installed error log. The problem occurs only when logging an error so if you see this message, it is because another error occurred.



Move a newly structured error log file into your data directory. There is an empty ERROR.DBF and ERROR.FPT files in the "PubAssist\SampleData" sub folder. In a standard installation, this is:

C:\Program Files\PubAssist\SampleData

  1. Use Windows Explorer to navigate to this folder. Find the ERROR.DBF and ERROR.FPT files.
  2. Click with your mouse on the first file to highlight it, then hold the CTRL key while clicking on the second file. This will highlight both files for copying.
  3. Type "CTRL+C" to copy the files to your clipboard.
  4. Now navigate to the location of your data.
  5. Type "CTRL+V" to past the files into your data folder. You will get a warning that the files already exist and a prompt asking whether you want to replace them. Click on "Yes to All".
  6. Start Publishers' Assistant and try to recreate the situation that caused the error condition. This will verify that the problem with your error log has been solved, but will also allow you to see what your real problem was.