We've started something new. We've begun using the Jing project to capture video tutorials on how to use Publishers' Assistant. These Videos are limited to 5 minutes. That's a nice digestible size that allows you to take in as much or as little as you need.
Publishers' Assistant
How do I enter an invoice?
- Invoice Segment 1, Selecting Shipping and Billing Contacts
- Invoice Segment 2, Entering Ordered Items
- Invoice Segment 3, Completing and Printing the Order
How do I enter my titles?
- Title Segment 1, Identifying Your New Title
- Title Segment 2, Specify a Supplier
- Title Segment 3, Entering Your Title Cost
- Title Segment 4, Other Title Attributes
How do I track royalties or consignment liabilities?
- Title Liabilities - Segment 1, Royalty Contract Specifics
- Title Liabilities - Segment 2, Consignment Contract Specifics
- Title Liabilities - Segment 3, Recalculating Liabilities and Reporting
Tutorials on Couplet are still in the works.
There are several helpful articles on this web site.
Introduction to Couplet
- What is Couplet?
- The Contact Screen and Basic Navigation
- The Contact Screen -- Attributes of the Contact Record
- The Title Screen -- Identifiers, Imprint, and Conrtibutors
- The Title Screen -- Description, Sample Text, and Image
- The Title Screen -- Form, Trade, and Inventory
Exporting Data using Couplet
- The Title Export Wizard -- Exporting to an ONIX Document
- Other Export formats and the Contact Export Wizard
- Exporting directly from the data entry screen.
Importing Data using Couplet
There are no tuturials yet on importing; but check out this article on converting from Quickbooks. It's a good introduction to importing.