
We've started something new. We've begun using the Jing project to capture video tutorials on how to use Publishers' Assistant. These Videos are limited to 5 minutes. That's a nice digestible size that allows you to take in as much or as little as you need.

Publishers' Assistant

How do I enter an invoice?

  1. Invoice Segment 1, Selecting Shipping and Billing Contacts
  2. Invoice Segment 2, Entering Ordered Items
  3. Invoice Segment 3, Completing and Printing the Order

How do I enter my titles?

  1. Title Segment 1, Identifying Your New Title
  2. Title Segment 2, Specify a Supplier
  3. Title Segment 3, Entering Your Title Cost
  4. Title Segment 4, Other Title Attributes

How do I track royalties or consignment liabilities?

  1. Title Liabilities - Segment 1, Royalty Contract Specifics
  2. Title Liabilities - Segment 2, Consignment Contract Specifics
  3. Title Liabilities - Segment 3, Recalculating Liabilities and Reporting

Tutorials on Couplet are still in the works.

There are several helpful articles on this web site.

Introduction to Couplet

  1. What is Couplet?
  2. The Contact Screen and Basic Navigation
  3. The Contact Screen -- Attributes of the Contact Record
  4. The Title Screen -- Identifiers, Imprint, and Conrtibutors
  5. The Title Screen -- Description, Sample Text, and Image
  6. The Title Screen -- Form, Trade, and Inventory

Exporting Data using Couplet

  1. The Title Export Wizard -- Exporting to an ONIX Document
  2. Other Export formats and the Contact Export Wizard
  3. Exporting directly from the data entry screen.

Importing Data using Couplet

There are no tuturials yet on importing; but check out this article on converting from Quickbooks. It's a good introduction to importing.

  1. The Contact Import Wizard -- Converting from Quickbooks!

We're actively adding to this list, so keep checking back.